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COFFEE and TEA models simulate emissions from long-lived GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O). CO2 emissions from fuel combustion are calculated based on energy sources. CO2 resulting from land-use changes is endogenously calculated as a consequence of the land use (taking difference of land use from previous year). Non-CO2 emissions, CH4, and N2O emissions are basically associated with each sector's activity level. GWP100 (AR5).
COFFEE accounts the GHG from all sector analyzed. The model is able to consider the emission from power plants, refineries, synthetic liquid fuels, transportation sector, industrial process related to the global cement and steel production and methane from decomposition of organic matter within the residues sector.
In order to estimate emissions due to land use change the following mass balance equation was applied.
〖Emission〗_CO2= ∆_(Land-changed)*(〖CS〗_before-〖CS〗_after )*44/12
Where CS is the carbon stock of each land use category that was defined according to the “Good Practice Guide for LULUCF” (IPCC, 2003) and “Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” (IPCC, 2006). The values were calculated by using the estimated biomass stock above ground (tdm/ha) multiplied by the carbon content (tC/tdm), resulting in the carbons stock (tC/ha).
In the agriculture sector the emissions regard livestock were considered too. The values of methane emitted are different depending on the purpose of the cattle, if it is for milk or meat production.
Additionally, the residues from agriculture that are not used for energy production are considered to be burnt directly in the crop fields. Therefore, there are two major sources of GHG emissions related to crop residues: emissions from decomposition of nitrogen in crop residues left on managed soils (IPCC, 2006), and low-efficiency combustion of crop residues in the fields, which causes methane emission. 
From bioenergy conversion technologies, the emission of CO2 in the fermentation process is estimated at roughly 0.95 tCO2 per tonne of ethanol produced.

Latest revision as of 11:57, 6 September 2019

Alert-warning.png Note: The documentation of COFFEE-TEA is 'under review' and is not yet 'published'!

Model Documentation - COFFEE-TEA

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      Institution COPPE/UFRJ (Cenergia), Brazil,
      Solution concept General equilibrium (closed economy)
      Solution method The COFFEE model is solved through Linear Programming (LP). The TEA model is formulated as a mixed complementary problem (MCP) and is solved through Mathematical Programming System for General Equilibrium -- MPSGE within GAMS using the PATH solver.

      COFFEE and TEA models simulate emissions from long-lived GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O). CO2 emissions from fuel combustion are calculated based on energy sources. CO2 resulting from land-use changes is endogenously calculated as a consequence of the land use (taking difference of land use from previous year). Non-CO2 emissions, CH4, and N2O emissions are basically associated with each sector's activity level. GWP100 (AR5).