Property:Allows value

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Showing 14 pages using this property.
Coal to gas w/o CCS  +, Coal to gas w/ CCS  +, Oil to gas w/o CCS  +,
Coal to liquids w/o CCS  +, Coal to liquids w/ CCS  +, Gas to liquids w/o CCS  +,
Space heating  +, Space cooling  +, Cooking  +,
Yes (fixed)  +, Yes (supply curve)  +, Yes (process model)  +
Model type  +, Geographical scope  +, Objective  +,
Population  +, Population age structure  +, Education level  +,
Yes (exogenous)  +, Yes (endogenous)  +
Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)  +, Partial equilibrium (fixed demand)  +, General equilibrium (closed economy)  +
Recursive dynamic (myopic)  +, Intertemporal optimization (foresight)  +
Simulation  +, Optimization  +
No technological change  +, Exogenous technological change  +, Endogenous technological change  +
Discrete technology choices  +, Expansion and decline constraints  +, System integration constraints  +
Discount rate exogenous  +, Discount rate endogenous  +
Coal  +, Oil  +, Gas  +,