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Energy markets: yearly step
Power generation: 2-hour time steps in representative days +
The macro-economic part contains a single sector representation of the entire economy. A generic final good is produced from capital, labor, and different final energy types. +
Generalized transmission and distribution costs are included, but not modeled on an explicit spatial level.
Regionalized additional grid and storage costs for renewable integration are included. +
Ozone is not modeled as emission, but is an endogenous result of atmospheric chemistry. +
different technologies for district heating, buildings heating and industrial process heat, also differentiated between different temperature levels +
Steel production explicit, other industries aggregated +
Spatial scope is flexible: regions can be chosen based on research focus and regions can be aggregated based on German federal states and/or European national states. +
Exogenous restrictions on the optimization path can be given (e.g. spline interpolation with fixed number of knots) to reduce yearly fluctuations and reduce number of free parameters. +
57 regions is the default version. Also features an almost all country resolution with 160 ISO3 countries. +
Climate damages available although not often modelled
CO2 is from both energy and also land-use (and forestry) included in climate module.
The non-CO2 forcing agents that are not explicitly tracked are represented in the climate
module by an exogenously given additional forcing factor. +
Some emissions are exogenous (eg: agriculture) +
Link with MACRO Stand-Alone (module which represents all other economic sectors) available to represent rest of the economy +
No explicit modelling of grids, only a transmission cost and division to centralised/decentralised electricity generation technologies +
Washing is disaggregated in clothes and dishes. +
UK split as separate region compared to the ETSAP-TIAM model +
Year divided to six time slices + an additional peaking constraint. +
Country plus its regions (NUTS2 level) +
Electricity generation cost structures are based on the GTAP-POWER database. +
The model is flexible in its spatial aggregation of regions, with up to ~20 regional aggregates. +
A single economy sector is represented. Production inputs are capital, labor and energy services, accounting for the Energy sector split into 8 energy technologies sectors (coal, oil, gas, wind&solar, nuclear, electricity and biofuels). +