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Model Documentation - IMAGE

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Model information
Model link
Institution PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Netherlands,
Solution concept Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)
Solution method Simulation
Anticipation Simulation modelling framework, without foresight. However, a simplified version of the energy/climate part of the model (called FAIR) can be run prior to running the framework to obtain data for climate policy simulations.




{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Banse_2008,

 title={Will EU biofuel policies affect global agricultural markets?},
 author={Banse, Martin and Van Meijl, Hans and Tabeau, Andrzej and Woltjer, Geert},
 journal={European Review of Agricultural Economics},
 publisher={Oxford Univ Press}

} }}


|title=Development and testing of the WaterGAP 2 global model of water use and availability
|author=Joseph Alcamo;Petra Döll;Thomas Henrichs;Frank Kaspar;Bernhard Lehner;Thomas Rösch;Stefan Siebert|+sep=;
|journal=Hydrological Sciences Journal
|publisher=Informa UK Limited
|subject=Water Science and Technology


{{#scite: |bibtex= @report{IMG_Alexandratos_2012,

   title = {World agriculture towards 2030/2050: the 2012 revision},
   url = {},
   number = {ESA Working Paper No. 12-03},
   institution = {Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations},
   author = {Alexandratos, Nikos and Bruinsma, J},
   year = {2012}

} }}


|title=Learning Curves in Manufacturing
|author=L. Argote;D. Epple|+sep=;
|publisher=American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)


{{#scite: |bibtex= @techreport{IMG_Arets_2011,

   title = {Global wood production: assessment of industrial round wood supply from forest management systems in different global regions},
   number = {Alterra-rapport 1808},
   institution = {Alterra Wageningen UR},
   author = {Arets, E.J.M.M. and van der Meer, P.J. and Verwer, C.C. and Hengeveld, G.M. and Tolkamp, G.W. and Nabuurs, G.J. and van Oorschot, M.},
   year = {2011}

} }}


|title=A Theory of Demand for Products Distinguished by Place of Production (Une theorie de la demande de produits differencies d'apres leur origine) (Una teoria de la demanda de productos distinguiendolos segun el lugar de produccion)
|author=Paul S. Armington
|journal=Staff Papers - International Monetary Fund
|publisher=Nature Publishing Group



|title= A Review of Technical Change in Assessment of Climate Policy
|author=Christian Azar;Hadi Dowlatabadi|+sep=;
|journal=Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
|publisher=Annual Reviews
|subject=Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment;Environmental Engineering;Energy Engineering and Power Technology|+sep=;


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_BraspenningRadu_2016, title = "Exploring synergies between climate and air quality policies using long-term global and regional emission scenarios ", journal = "Atmospheric Environment ", volume = "140", number = "", pages = "577 - 591", year = "2016", note = "", issn = "1352-2310", doi = "", url = "", author = "Olivia Braspenning Radu and Maarten van den Berg and Zbigniew Klimont and Sebastiaan Deetman and Greet Janssens-Maenhout and Marilena Muntean and Chris Heyes and Frank Dentener and Detlef P. van Vuuren", } }}


|title= Major enhancements of @2030 Modelling system
|author=W Britz
|institution= Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn


{{#scite: |bibtex= @techreport{IMG_Brown_2000,

   address = {Rome},
   title = {The global outlook for future wood supply from forest plantations},
   number = {GFPOS/WP/03},
   institution = {FAO},
   author = {Brown, C.},
   year = {2000}



{{#scite: |bibtex= @book{IMG_Bruinsma_2003,

   address = {London},
   series = {An {FAO} perspective},
   title = {World agriculture: towards 2015/2030.},
   publisher = {Earthscan},
   author = {Bruinsma, J.},
   year = {2003}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Carle_2008,

   title = {Wood from Planted Forests},
   volume = {58},
   number = {12},
   journal = {Forest Products Journal},
   author = {Carle, J. and Holmgren, P.},
   year = {2008},
   pages = {6-18}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Carson_2010,

 title={The environmental Kuznets curve: seeking empirical regularity and theoretical structure},
 author={Carson, Richard T},
 journal={Review of Environmental Economics and Policy},
 publisher={Oxford University Press}

} }}


|title=An Overview of the OECD ENV-Linkages Model
|author=Jean Château;Rob Dellink;Elisa Lanzi|+sep=;
|journal=OECD Environment Working Papers
|publisher=Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Cofala_2002,

 title={Acidification, Eutrophication, and Tropospheric Ozone Impacts for Five Scenarios of Greenhouse Gases Abatement in Europe},
 author={Cofala, J and Heyes, Ch and Klimont, Z and Amann, M},
 journal={International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @report{IMG_Criqui_2003,

   address = {Grenoble, France},
   title = {Greenhouse gas reduction pathways in the UNFCCC Process up to 2025 - Technical} {Report},
   number = {B4-3040/2001/325703/MAR/E.1 for the DG Environment},
   institution = {CNRS-IEPE},
   author = {Criqui, P. and Kitous, A. and Berk, M.M. and den Elzen, M.G.J. and Eickhout, B. and Lucas, P. and van Vuuren, D.P. and Kouvaritakis, N. and Vanregemorter, D.},
   year = {2003}

} }}


|title=Model projections for household energy use in developing countries
|author=Vassilis Daioglou;Bas J. van Ruijven;Detlef P. van Vuuren|+sep=;
|publisher=Elsevier BV



|title=An integrated assessment of global and regional water demands for electricity generation to 2095
|author=Evan G.R. Davies;Page Kyle;James A. Edmonds|+sep=;
|journal=Advances in Water Resources
|publisher=Elsevier BV
|subject=Water Science and Technology


{{#scite: |bibtex= @report{IMG_DeVries_2001,

   address = {Bilthoven, the Netherlands},
   title = {The targets image energy model regional (TIMER) -Technical documentation.},
   number = {RIVM report 461502024},
   institution = {MNP Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency},
   author = {de Vries, H.J.M. and van Vuuren, D.P. and den Elzen, M.G.J. and Janssen, M.A.},
   year = {2001}

} }}


|title=Renewable energy sources: Their global potential for the first-half of the 21st century at a global level: An integrated approach
|author=Bert J.M. de Vries;Detlef P. van Vuuren;Monique M. Hoogwijk|+sep=;
|journal=Energy Policy
|publisher=Elsevier BV
|subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;


{{#scite: |bibtex= @incollection{IMG_Denman_2007,

   address = {Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.},
   title = {Couplings {Between} {Changes} in the {Climate} {System} and {Biogeochemistry}.},
   booktitle = {Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change},
   publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
   author = {Denman, K.L. and Brasseur, G. and Chidthaisong, A. and Ciais, P. and Cox, P.M. and Dickinson, R.E. and Hauglustaine, D. and Heinze, C. and Holland, E. and Jacob, D. and Lohmann, U. and Ramachandran, S. and da Silva Dias, P.L. and Wofsy, S.C. and Zhang, X.},
   editor = {Solomon, S. and Qin, D. and Manning, M. and Chen, Z. and Marquis, M. and Averyt, K.B. and Tignor, M. and Miller, H.L.},
   year = {2007}

} }}


|title=Economic and ecological consequences of four European land use scenarios
|author=B. Eickhout;H. van Meijl;A. Tabeau;T. van Rheenen|+sep=;
|journal=Land Use Policy
|publisher=Elsevier BV
|subject=Geography, Planning and Development;Forestry;Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law;Nature and Landscape Conservation|+sep=;


{{#scite: |bibtex= @report{IMG_FAO_2001,

   address = {Rome, Italy},
   title = {Plantations and wood energy; based on the work of Donald J. Mead},
   number = {Working Paper FP/5},
   institution = {Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations},
   author = {FAO},
   year = {2001}

} }}


|title=Forests and energy key issues.
|institution=Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
|subject=Biomass energy;Forest biomass;Forests and forestry|+sep=;
|lc classifications=SD387.B48 F66 2008


{{#scite: |bibtex= @report{IMG_FAO_2010,

   address = {Rome, Italy},
   title = {Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010},
   number = {FAO forestry paper 163},
   institution = {Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations},
   author = {FAO},
   year = {2010}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @report{IMG_FAO_2012,

   address = {Rome, Italy},
   title = {FRA 2015, Forest Futures Methodology},
   url = {},
   number = {Forest Resources Assessment Working Paper 182},
   institution = {Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations},
   author = {FAO},
   year = {2012}

} }}


|title=FAOSTAT database collections
|institution=Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations



|title=Global travel within the 2°C climate target
|author=Bastien Girod;Detlef P. van Vuuren;Sebastiaan Deetman|+sep=;
|journal=Energy Policy
|publisher=Elsevier BV
|subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Grubler_1999,

   title = {Modeling technological change: Implications for the global environment},
   volume = {24},
   journal = {Annual Review of Energy and the Environment},
   author = {Grubler, A. and Nakicenovic, N. and Victor, D.G.},
   year = {1999},
   pages = {545-569}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Harnisch_2009,

 title={Development of F-gas module for TIMER model},
 author={Harnisch, J and Klaus, S and Wartmann, S and Rhiemeier, JM},
 journal={ECOFYS, Nuremberg},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @book{IMG_Helming_2010,

   address = {The Hague},
   title = {European farming and post-2013 {CAP} measures: a quantitative impact assessment study},
   isbn = {978-90-8615-469-2},
   shorttitle = {European farming and post-2013 {CAP} measures},
   language = {English},
   publisher = {LEI Wageningen UR},
   author = {Helming, J.F.M},
   year = {2010},
   note = {OCLC: 694730558}

} }}


|author=Hendriks, C., Harmelink, M., Hofmans, Y. and de Jager, D
|title=Climate neutral energy carriers in the regulatory energy tax
|address=Utrecht, Netherlands



|author=Hendriks C, Harmelink M, Burges K and Ransel K 
|title=Power and heat productions: plant developments and grid losses
|address=Utrecht, Netherlands



|author=Hendriks, C., Graus, W. and van Bergen, F.
|title=Global carbon dioxide storage potential and costs
|address=Utrecht, Netherlands



|title=Global Trade Analysis
|subtitle=Modeling and Applications
|author=Thomas W. Hertel
|publisher=Cambridge University Press


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Huang_2004,

 title={A new representation of agricultural production technology in GTAP},
 author={Huang, Jikun and van Tongeren, FW and Dewbre, Joe and van Meijl, JCM},
 journal={The Seventh Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis},
 address={Washington, D.C, USA}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @book{IMG_Hoogwijk_2004,

 title={On the global and regional potential of renewable energy sources},
 author={Hoogwijk, Monique Maria},
 note={PhD thesis},
publisher={Utrecht University},
address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @book{IMG_IPCC_2006,

author = {S. Eggleston, L. Buendia, K. Miwa, T. Ngara and K. Tanabe},
title = {Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories},
year = {2007},
publisher = {Prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, IGES,},
address = {Japan},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @book{IMG_IPCC_2007,

author = {S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, H.L. Miller},
title = {The physical science basis: contribution of working group I to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC},
year = {2007},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
address = {Cambridge (UK) / New York},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Isaac_2009,

 title={Modeling global residential sector energy demand for heating and air conditioning in the context of climate change},
 author={Isaac, Morna and Van Vuuren, Detlef P},
 journal={Energy policy},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @book{IMG_Kallio_2004,

 title={The global forest sector model EFI-GTM: the model structure},
 author={Kallio, A Maarit I and Moiseyev, Alexander and Solberg, Birger and others},
 publisher={European Forest Institute Joensuu},

} }}

{{#scite: |reference=IMG_Lutz_2010 |type=journal-article |title=Dimensions of global population projections: what do we know about future population trends and structures? |author=W. Lutz;S. KC|+sep=; |journal=Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |publisher=The Royal Society |year=2010 |volume=365 |issue=1554 |pages=2779-2791 |doi=10.1098/rstb.2010.0133 |subject=Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all);Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all)|+sep=; |issn=0962-8436;1471-2970|+sep=; }}


|author=Mandryk M.‚ Doelman J.C.‚ Stehfest E.
|title=Assessment of global land availability and suitability: land supply for agriculture
|address=Wageningen, Netherlands


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Meinshausen_2011a,

 title={Emulating coupled atmosphere-ocean and carbon cycle models with a simpler model, MAGICC6 - Part 1: Model description and calibration},
 author={Meinshausen, Malte and Raper, SCB and Wigley, TML},
 journal={Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics},
 publisher={Copernicus GmbH}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Meinshausen_2011b,

 title={Emulating coupled atmosphere-ocean and carbon cycle models with a simpler model, MAGICC6 - Part 2: Applications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics},
 author={Meinshausen M, Wigley TML and Raper SCB},
 journal={Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics},
 publisher={Copernicus GmbH}

} }}


|author=Mulders FMM, Hettelar JMM and Van Bergen F
|title=Assessment of the global fossil fuel reserves and resources for TIMER
|institution=TNO Built Environment and Geosciences
|address=Utrecht, Netherlands


{{#scite: |reference=IMG_Myhre_2013 |type=incollection |author=Myhre G, D. Shindell, F.-M. Breon, W. Collins, J. Fuglestvedt, J. Huang, D. Koch, J.-F. Lamarque, D. Lee, B. Mendoza, T. Nakajima, A. Robock, G. Stephens, T. Takemura and H. Zhang |title=Anthropogenic and Natural Radiative Forcing |year=2013 |doi=10.1017/CBO9781107415324.018 |editor=xx |booktitle=Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |publisher=Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) / New York }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_New_1997,

 title={A 1961-1990 mean monthly climatology of global land areas},
 author={New, M and Hulme, M and Jones, P},
 journal={Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @incollection{IMG_Overmars_2012,

 title={Estimating the costs of reducing CO2 emission via avoided deforestation with integrated assessment modeling},
 author={Overmars, Koen P and Stehfest, Elke and Tabeau, Andrzej and van Meijl, Hans and Mendoza Beltran, A and Kram, Tom},
 booktitle={Conference paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @incollection{IMG_Prentice_2007,

 title={Dynamic global vegetation modeling: quantifying terrestrial ecosystem responses to large-scale environmental change},
 author={Prentice, I Colin and Bondeau, Alberte and Cramer, Wolfgang and Harrison, Sandy P and Hickler, Thomas and Lucht, Wolfgang and Sitch, Stephen and Smith, Ben and Sykes, Martin T},
 booktitle={Terrestrial ecosystems in a changing world},

} }}

{{#scite: |reference=IMG_rogner_1997 |type=journal-article |title=AN ASSESSMENT OF WORLD HYDROCARBON RESOURCES |author=H-H. Rogner |journal=Annual Review of Energy and the Environment |publisher=Annual Reviews |year=1997 |volume=22 |issue=1 |pages=217-262 |doi=10.1146/ |subject=Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment;Environmental Engineering;Energy Engineering and Power Technology|+sep=; |issn=1056-3466 }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Smith_2005,

 title={Future sulfur dioxide emissions},
 author={Smith, Steven J and Pitcher, Hugh and Wigley, TML},
 journal={Climatic Change},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_smith_2011,

 title={Anthropogenic sulfur dioxide emissions: 1850--2005},
 author={Smith, Steven J and Aardenne, J van and Klimont, Zbigniew and Andres, Robert Joseph and Volke, A and Delgado Arias, Sabrina},
 journal={Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics},
 publisher={Copernicus GmbH}

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Stern_2003,

 title={International society for ecological economics internet encyclopaedia of ecological economics the environmental Kuznets curve},
 author={Stern, David I},
 journal={Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute},

} }}

{{#scite: |reference=IMG_Thomson_2011 |type=journal-article |title=RCP4.5: a pathway for stabilization of radiative forcing by 2100 |author=Allison M. Thomson;Katherine V. Calvin;Steven J. Smith;G. Page Kyle;April Volke;Pralit Patel;Sabrina Delgado-Arias;Ben Bond-Lamberty;Marshall A. Wise;Leon E. Clarke;James A. Edmonds|+sep=; |journal=Climatic Change |publisher=Springer Science + Business Media |year=2011 |volume=109 |issue=1-2 |pages=77-94 |doi=10.1007/s10584-011-0151-4 |subject=Atmospheric Science;Global and Planetary Change|+sep=; |issn=0165-0009;1573-1480|+sep=; }}


|title=World Population Prospects, The 2012 Revision, Volume I: Comprehensive Tables
|institution=Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division,United Nations


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_vanMeijl_2006,

 title={The impact of different policy environments on agricultural land use in Europe},
 author={van Meijl, Hans and Van Rheenen, T and Tabeau, A and Eickhout, B},
 journal={Agriculture, Ecosystems \& Environment},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_vanRuijven_2007,

 title={The potential role of hydrogen in energy systems with and without climate policy},
 author={Van Ruijven, Bas and Van Vuuren, Detlef P and De Vries, Bert},
 journal={International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_vanRuijven_2008,

 title={Modeling energy and development: an evaluation of models and concepts},
 author={Van Ruijven, Bas and Urban, Frauke and Benders, Ren{\'e} MJ and Moll, Henri C and Van Der Sluijs, Jeroen P and De Vries, Bert and Van Vuuren, Detlef P},
 journal={World Development},

} }} {{#scite: |reference=IMG_vanRuijven_2011 |type=journal-article |title=Model projections for household energy use in India |author=Bas J. van Ruijven;Detlef P. van Vuuren;Bert J.M. de Vries;Morna Isaac;Jeroen P. van der Sluijs;Paul L. Lucas;P. Balachandra|+sep=; |journal=Energy Policy |publisher=Elsevier BV |year=2011 |volume=39 |issue=12 |pages=7747-7761 |doi=10.1016/j.enpol.2011.09.021 |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=; |issn=0301-4215 }}


|title=Model-based scenarios for rural electrification in developing countries
|author=Bas J. van Ruijven;Jules Schers;Detlef P. van Vuuren|+sep=;
|publisher=Elsevier BV


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_vanRuijven_2016,

 title={Long-term model-based projections of energy use and CO 2 emissions from the global steel and cement industries},
 author={Van Ruijven, Bas J and Van Vuuren, Detlef P and Boskaljon, Willem and Neelis, Maarten L and Saygin, Deger and Patel, Martin K},
 journal={Resources, Conservation and Recycling},



|year= 2007
|title=Energy systems and climate policy-long-term scenarios for an uncertain future
|author=Van Vuuren, Detlef P
|publisher=Utrecht University
|note=PHD thesis


{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_vanVuuren_2007b,

 title={Downscaling drivers of global environmental change: Enabling use of global SRES scenarios at the national and grid levels},
 author={van Vuuren, Detlef P and Lucas, Paul L and Hilderink, Henk},
 journal={Global Environmental Change},

} }}

{{#scite: |bibtex= @article{IMG_Velders_2009,

 title={The large contribution of projected HFC emissions to future climate forcing},
 author={Velders, Guus JM and Fahey, David W and Daniel, John S and McFarland, Mack and Andersen, Stephen O},
 journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
 publisher={National Acad Sciences}

} }}

{{#scite: |reference=IMG_vonlampe_2013 |type=journal-article |title=Why do global long-term scenarios for agriculture differ? An overview of the AgMIP Global Economic Model Intercomparison |author=Martin von Lampe;Dirk Willenbockel;Helal Ahammad;Elodie Blanc;Yongxia Cai;Katherine Calvin;Shinichiro Fujimori;Tomoko Hasegawa;Petr Havlik;Edwina Heyhoe;Page Kyle;Hermann Lotze-Campen;Daniel Mason d'Croz;Gerald C. Nelson;Ronald D. Sands;Christoph Schmitz;Andrzej Tabeau;Hugo Valin;Dominique van der Mensbrugghe;Hans van Meijl|+sep=; |journal=Agricultural Economics |publisher=Wiley-Blackwell |year=2013 |volume=45 |issue=1 |pages=3-20 |doi=10.1111/agec.12086 |subject=Agronomy and Crop Science;Economics and Econometrics|+sep=; |issn=0169-5150 }}


|title=Experience curves for energy technology policy
|address=Paris, France



|title=Integrated assessment of black carbon and tropospheric ozone
|institution=World Metrological Organisation, United Nations Environmental Programme
|address=Nairobi, Kenya



|author=Woltjer GB, Kuiper M and van Meijl H
|Chapter 2: MAGNET.
|booktitle= 'The agricultural world in equations: An overview of the main models used at LEI
|publisher=LEI, part of Wageningen University and Research Centre
|address=The Hague, Netherlands



|author=Woltjer GB, Kuiper M, Kavallari A, van Meijl H, Powell J, Rutten M, Shutes L and Tabeau A 
|title=The Magnet Model: Module description
|institution=LEI, part of Wageningen University and Research Centre
|address=The Hague, Netherlands
