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CHP also has a CCS option +
generic CES function for each electricity producing sector +
Urban-rural categorization is explicitly modeled for cooking and lighting in residential sector. It is implicitly modeled in case of passenger movement in transport sector. In other sectors, urban-rural categorization is not used. +
Single region national level model +
MEDEAS is nested modelling framework whereby the... +
The model can also run in a Recursive Dynamic (myopic) mode +
generic technologies by fuel +
generic technologies by energy service +
generic technologies by fuel +
From 1990 to 2010 MESSAGE employs 5-year time steps with 10-year steps employed thereafter +
Zero - endogenous +
Country level using ISO3C code +
Technology choice depends on agents' preferences: minimization/maximisation of one objective, or weighted average sum of objectives, lexicographic methods +
Discrete technology choices with mostly high substitutability in some sectors and mostly low substitutability in other sectors +
Non-metallic minerals +
Granularity of the socio-economic drivers is sector-dependent +
recursive-dynamic (limited foresight) +
configurable +
Investments: supply-side only +
Complete energy balances: 57 countries / regions covering the World, including detailed EU28, all OECD countries and main non-OECD countries
Fossil fuel supply: 80 countries / regions +