Population - REMIND-MAgPIE

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Model Documentation - REMIND-MAgPIE

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    Institution Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Germany, https://www.pik-potsdam.de.
    Solution concept General equilibrium (closed economy)MAgPIE: partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector;
    Solution method OptimizationMAgPIE: cost minimization;

    Population is an exogenous input for REMIND-MAgPIE (see description under Socio-economic drivers). It enters the model in just two forms: total population and working age population. While the welfare measuring is based on total population, the working age population is used as labor input in the macroeconomic production function. The exogenous labor input affects the dynamics of other macroeconomic production factors (capital, energy) since the model seeks an optimal allocation of production factors. Total population is also used for generating energy demand scenarios that are mainly based on assumptions about the development of per capita demand on different energy types (see description under Energy demand)